Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lion shot at Pandamatenga

Lion shot at Pandamatenga

Report of lion shot at Pandamatenga. I was called by angered citizen demanding that I come and arrest people that shot a lion As is normal in small town the story had been twisted around and fingers were being pointed in wrong direction. What had actually happened is that one of the farmers had shot a female lion with a shotgun and had destroyed her lower jaw and left her wounded.  Ed Cummings whom is also a game warden was innocently driving by when he noticed a crowd collected. He stopped to talk to a associate an one of his bird hunting dogs that were on the back of the vehicle  jumped down.

The lion attacked and killed his dog. Ed knows whom the man was who shot the lion in the beginning of this episode but would not reveal it over the phone. As Ed left apparently a councilman shot and killed the lion as was appropriate. There are apparently 4 to 5 lions that are in the Panda  gate and the people were attempting to chase them out with vehicles .Ed was going to call parks and ask permission to bait the lions so we may dart them and relocate them.