Monday, March 7, 2011

Wild Dog passes away

Wild Dog passes away

Report of Wild Dog Treated by CWR


Dr Clay Wilson

Wild dog injured on road to  Katima   On February 21  2011     PAC brought in a severely injured wild dog male approximate lye 9 month old. He had been hit by a car and has a severe spinal injury. He suffered from a spinal shock condition called Sghiff Sherrington in which trauma to upper and middle neck vertebra re damaged and you have a very typical stance of outstretched front legs and paralyzed hind quarters.

The animal was in shock. An intravenous drip was place and shock treatment drugs were administered. Antibiotic and pain killers also. On resolution of shock we x-rayed his spine. To my surprise there was an old spinal fracture at t4 and t6 that had healed with bone spurs formation. Yes is exactly where he must have been hit again as it was a weak spot.

The wild dog was very placid and allowed me to treat him without any sigh of aggression whatsoever. I administered anti-inflammatories and a special drug form USA that regenerates cartilage on a daily basis. I use antacids such as Tagamet in IV to prevent stomach ulceration.

Within 24 hours the front limb extensor rigidity completely resolved itself. Over the nest few days he regained 40 % usage in paralyzed hind legs and was able to move around in the cage which was very rapidly brought from Panda by wardens for his enclosure.

The first 3 days he drank a lot of water and ate 3 large pieces of sirloin steaks. His bowel movements and urination were good. His entire body had been covered in scabs from being hit so hard and scraped along the gravel. He lost much of  his fur due to this, and skin was disinfected and topical antibiotics applied. I had very positive outlook that he would have a full recovery.

On February 28 dog refused to eat so we were feeding him orally with a high energy solution and placed him back on an IV drip

I did a full blood work and apart from slightly elevated liver enzymes probably to intensive drug treatment there was nothing wrong.

After 8 days he just decided to give up I saw it in his eyes. Dog survived for 2 more days and died on Wednesday the 2nd. I was with him at the time of passing.

Full autopsy was performed but no significant changes were seeing. I’m sure the spinal trauma was too much for him and the depression of not being with his pack all summarized to cause his demise.

He was a wonderful animal and this is a great loss to the wild dog community. I have fortunately seen a pack of 17 dogs recently while on patrol and there are all new prides of lions that have reestablished on water front.

I even saw the old one eye female lion that I had treated for severe mastitis a few weeks ago with 3 healthy and playful cubs. There is no doubt cubs and mother would have died if we had not treated them. This gives me joy.

This treatment attempt cost CWR in the Range of  P7000.00